Defense Speech
Valerie Swirc starts with a story about her grandma who used unreliable advice on the internet to solve a problem, resulting in danger for her health. She believes the European Commission needs to provide information with. Label. Companies that spread fake news need to be punished and those who don’t deserve to be rewarded. Lastly awareness is very important. In the future Valerie hopes her grandma will no longer have to be the victim of fake news.
Attack speech FEMM
.. thinks it is dangerous for one organization to have the power to decide what is real and what is fake. This undermines our democratic right of freedom of speech.
Attack speech ENVI I
Declan is concerned about the increasing spread o fake news. Penalizing organizations is not that simple. Organizations are not in control of what people post. Therefore Declan recommends the solution of mandating filtering regulations of information to decrease the spread of fake news. This will be a much more effective and fair solution.
First round of open debate
CULT: Is it necessary to make such an organization, should the responsibility not fall on the companies?
FEMM: Djem is concerned that the label might not prevent fake news sources from creating fake news in the future.
Direct Response LIBE: There will be an online group of people t check these sources.
CULT: What is the line between fake news and real news and who draws this? When does it become censorship?
ENVI I: These plans wil cost money and require people.
ENVI II: Likes LIBE’s point but is concerned thoe who are not in educational subjects will not get educated.
Direct Response LIBE: The information will also be spread on television, etc.
FEMM: This problem has gotten so big it is hardly still within our control.
LiBES response
We want to preserve freedom of speech s therefore we do not plan to censor. We disagree that companies are responsible, but we do want to work together to take down fake news. We plan to create an online algorithm to make sure the news is verified.
Direct Response
ENVI I: How will we get an unbiased party?
FEMM: Labels could cause a blind trust in potentially foraged news.
ENVI I: thousands of posts are made on social media platforms daily, so much so it is hard to process it all.
LIBE’s response
Wikipedia uses volunteers, but also AI. Ai can excellently recognize fake news sources and is very reliable. In addition to this a human will also check every post that is made on the internet.
Direct Response ENVI I: Who says these volunteers won’t just be people spreading fake news?
FEMM: News companies with labels can get hacked and will then no longer provide real news.
ENVI I: Followers may be angry at the government for cancelling their favorite influencers.
This last debate has been excellent and heated! The Direct Responses just keep on coming (even when they have already used them all). A great end to an amazing day.
Summation Speech:
Barbara recaps this amazing debate to finish the day off strong. The point is not to censor but to warn people news may be censored. They will accomplish this by using unbiased filters such as AI.
Summation Speech:
Marijn Rijpkema tells us the importance of how easily fake news spreads and that it is hard to differentiate from real stories. With their solutions this can be prevented. Those who are easily influenced will be supported, this way everyone’s grandparents can stay safe from misinformation.
Now the votes will be counted.
!9 votes against the resolution and 12 in favor. The resolution of the last debate has not passed.
After hours of debate the delegates are famished. Time for dinner!
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